Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer Brain Challenge ~ Day 4 ~ Eat For Your Mental Health

Dr. Perlmutter writes: “Pay attention to how you mentally feel after you’ve had an indulgent meal. That regret isn’t just sociological - processed and fried foods full of sugars and refined carbs can cause your mental health to suffer. If you’ve got an indulgent meal coming up this week, take note of how you feel after it.”
For me, it’s been so long since I had an “indulgent meal” that I can’t really remember what I felt like mentally…but, I do know that my “brain fog” has lifted over the past year of not eating any processed foods!! Duh, probably why I can’t remember!! BTW, I literally threw everything in my pantry that was not “real food” into the garbage!
Being petite, I’ve never had a weight issue, but more depression and mood. After getting off the “after cancer” medication, eating “real” food, hydrating myself and getting enough sleep, I’m slowly finding purpose again.
Everything is connected…eating real food brings better health to every area of your life!
Love your family and friends…4 legs or 2 legs!

In Health & Love~ 




  1. Very true and that is why I love our garden so much. Real food direct from the garden and frozen or dehydrated for the winter months. It is hard to get around processed food!

    1. Totally agree!!!!! I'm doing a mini garden again this year in hopes of moving. But, I love to frequent the farmer's market in the summer!!


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