Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Stills~The Letter P

~If I fancy a man,
I have a way of letting him know.~
~Anna Perry 1876~

"The Letter P" is this week's photo challenge over at Sunday Stills. We worked out cow/calf pairs with the neighbors yesterday...some quick straight out of the camera shots...


One "Pooped Pony" (actually there were two...and My Man and I are a lil' stiff ourselves today!)

A "Pup" on cattle watch.
This shot was supposed to be Bella Jo in focus and the cows blurred...but it went the other way, but I sort of like it anyhow.

Well, we're off to do it all over again today...

Check out all the other "Letter P" photos by going HERE at Sunday Stills!


  1. Love your Post! Even though you're stiff and sore, I bet you loved every minute of it. Looks like Bella Jo has found her niche in the ranch life.

  2. I hear you on the stiffness. I got in a pen and played cutting horse on foot yesterday... muscles I never use, they HURT today. I'm trying to figure out what doesn't hurt.
    And you're doing it again today? You are tough!!

  3. Well done Bella looks ready for a nap..:-)

  4. I'm a little stiff too but not from doing something fun like that. Great pics.

  5. Hi Gtyyup, Great shots,love the last one. I rolled the snowmobile over (not bad) but I'm going to hurt tomorrow. Isn't getting older fun. LOL

  6. Pretty Pooped Pony and Pooch! I'm no stranger to stiff.

  7. Do I see correctly, pooch hitch a ride from the cow?

  8. I'm glad you cheated a little and put Colt in there, he's a handsome fella

  9. Great pics all. The first one caused me a double take. Looked like a calf was standing on top of it's Mama...like goat kids do. lol!


  10. Great picture! I love Bella Jo, if anything ever happens to our RJ, I want to get another blue! I had one before RJ and she was a great dog!

  11. Excellent choices on the letter P. Sounds like a fun day although a long one.

  12. looks like it was an action packed day. I'd be tired too.

  13. Love the pics and I think the one of Bella is perfect.

  14. I have heard of the importance of maintaining and sorting cow/calf pairs during the 1st 6 months. But what does it mean you worked it out with the neighbors? Are yours mixed in with a neighboring ranch? Do you tag them, or do you just have to go by "feel"?

  15. Mikey~We sorted the pairs for two days...then the next two days (Monday & yesterday) we trailed them 25 miles from Princeton to Diamond. I feel better today than the second day!!

    Ann~No, it's just me not composing my shot very well. It's another cow with her calf and they look like they are standing on top of the cow!

    Will~What I was trying to say was that we helped the neighbor sort pairs out of the main herd. All the cows belonged to the same rancher. The goal was to sort all the pairs out from the cows who hadn't calved yet; we would then move the cows without calves 25 miles down to Diamond. But as we got into the second day, the rancher decided that there weren't enough single cows left to make it worth the trip, but he needed to get some of his cows out because of the feed situation, so we just took out the real young ones who wouldn't do well on the two day trip. We actually drive them via horseback the whole way.

    This rancher doesn't tag his calves, so you have to watch how the cows and calves "mother up" to each other to figure out if they are a pair or not. Getting the wrong cow with a calf will be disastrous for the calf. A cow will only let their own calf suckle.

  16. wow - 25 miles is a loong way for a young calf...
    and I would be sore with bella jo too!


I love your comments! Let me know what's on your mind~~