Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

100 Posts & Cutting Buffalo

WoW...100 posts...that was the number on this week's Wordless Wednesday. I didn't think I had that much to say!

But, really, I want to thank everyone who is following me, stopping by, and/or leaving comments. I have made some very dear friends over the past few months and never left my desk! I hadn't a clue what blogging was last October, but it has opened a whole new world for me...which is giving me a whole lot of pleasure!

What I find most interesting is that most of you who stop by I don't even know...that silly lil' gadget called FeedJit is amazing...

Thank you from the
bottom of my heart!

OK...on to the good stuff...

Does anybody know why it is that when a horse sees this...

They always end up looking like this?

I'm sure you haven't a clue...but it's oh so true...yes?!!!

After 45 minutes of mud brushing, I got Colt clean enough to saddle. I'm sure I was wearing half of what he had been wearing...the other half was down my lungs and stuck in my teeth and nose!!

But, we had another cutting lesson scheduled for Thursday, so after Colt was saddled, we loaded up for the hour long drive. I had to make one stop along the way...pick up My Man at his work in town. Yep, he needed a few hours off, and I needed a photographer!

It had been raining all morning at our place, but Bob's place didn't get hardly any, so the outdoor round pen was really good footing. After everyone was warmed up, we brought in the victims...er...herd...

Kind of a mangy lookin' crew, but they seem to know their job. Last week, we brought just one buffalo into the pen at a time, but since we have a cutting show on Saturday, we needed some practice on getting one out of the herd, so we brought them all in.

Just waiting our turn.

There were 5 of us riding, Bob (the trainer) and my friends Dawn, Michelle, and Mary Ann. We all show at the local cutting club, and it really helps to ride together because we end up as each others herd help at the shows.

My Man took some video and I pieced a couple of segments together...now, don't mind the bantering in the background...it's just My Man and Dawn's husband...silly guys! But there is some good info from Bob as he's coaching me.

Bob giving some advise.

See the tongue? We wore 'um out!
Ha, not really...they sure do pant a lot though.

Well, I'm feeling pretty good about the show on Saturday...so wish us luck!



  1. Good luck indeed! You'll do great - heck, if you can cut a buffalo, a cow's got to be easier. Have fun!

  2. Hey that was a neat video! You are a brave woman, I don't think I would want to try that, but it does look like fun!!! :-)

  3. What fun! and look at that big smile on your face! Guess it was worth brushing all that mud off Colt!
    Good luck at the show; hope you get some video of your go.

  4. Happy 100!!!

    I loooove the mud thing! I'm lazy so my horses blankets look like that, not my horses. It's much nicer! :)

    Aren't buffalo a hoot?!? I practiced on them last summer and learned a lot! Our local arena is supposed to have them coming in again in a couple weeks and we've got our spots reserved again! I can't wait!

    Good luck at your show! Your practice on the buff's looked great! Our first cutting show this season is April 25th. I need to get practicing!

  5. Congratulations on your hundreth post, I always enjoy your blog, especially as we live in two different worlds! ;)
    Great work with the buffalo, Colt is looking really good. Best of luck on Saturday.

  6. Congrats on 100....I have enjoyed them!! :) Looking forward to the next 100!! :)

  7. Oh yes, I couldn't agree more about the mud holes, but it's so very true!! You oughta try owning a white horse sometime - a BIG, white horse!! Who needs aerobics when you have muddy horses?? Congratulations on your 100th!! I guess you're more yacky than you thought huh?
    :) The buffalo cutting looks like a lot of fun. I love how the herd looks like they're saying okay, cool we can relax now, she's got lil' spunky there. She'll keep busy torturing him fer a while...good job you and the Coltster!! Good luck!!

  8. What a great video! I've been excited for you to put up some buffalo pics. That looks like a lot of fun and you and Colt look great!

  9. blogging, cutting the buffs, it's all good isn't it?
    I have to wait til Monday to see the video - the home computer won't show it.

    I used to just curry off the parts the saddle touched. I know, I'm a degenerate.

  10. Love the video, good luck Saturday.
    And congrats on 100 posts! :-)

  11. What a fun video! Good luck tomorrow!! Cant wait to hear how it went!!!! I too have muddy horses this time of year...and any other time it rains. I end up wearing more than they do when I groom. I need grooming afterwards! LOL

  12. Congratulations on post 100!
    You and Colt look good! I would love to try some cutting someday! Good Luck!

  13. Good Luck Saturday!
    Happy 100th post!

  14. Looks like fun! I've been cattle sorting, but never buffalo sorting :D Looks like your Colt's pretty cowy, you and he were doing really good! :)

  15. Colt looks great! And so do you. What a team you two are, busting buffs!

    I think it's weird how the calves don't try to get back in with the herd once cut, they just face the fence instead.
    Looks like that may make it just a bit easier keeping 'em separate from the herd, right?

    I figured that the Mama buff would be more protective, too, as if you'd want to be watching your back. lol!
    Good thing they seem fairly tame and calm about the whole ordeal.

    You and Colt are going to rock the cutting events on Sunday.
    Aren't ya gonna put bunny ears on your boy? It's Easter ya know! lol!

    Congrats on your 100th. I've enjoyed reading every last one of 'em, my friend.
    Give Cowboy a scratch on his handsome head for me.:)


  16. Now that's just as cool as can be! I LOVE IT! Love that you got video too, that just makes it all perfect. You go girl, you're doing a great job on that horse!

  17. You tell Bob I'll be there in August and I do expect to come play with y'all!

    Sandy and I are doing an introduction to cattle clinic today, yeehaw! (Steve Holt! is still coughing so no outings for him yet.)

    And what's with that mud??? I keep hearing 300 days of sun in Harney County.

  18. Star loves the mud. SO I also just sometimes curry the importanat spots!

    Good luck with the show and I can't wait to come for a visit and ride! When the weather is good!

    I have saddle bags, water carrier, horse, camera, sunscreen and hat!
    Im ready!

  19. Congrats on 100 posts!! Looks like you're doing great on your horse too. I AM SO JEALOUS!!

  20. What a fantastic video. You and the Coltster look great! I love the fact that there is cutting of buffallo! It must be fun getting to know and read the buffs, as they are being called. I quess I'm so out of what's happening! I want to wish you good luck and you and your hubby a Happy Easter!

  21. I am all TOO familar with those mud boggers! ;) Wow, you and Colt look SO great! It was neat to see you working the buffalo. They really move differently than cattle. Colt is an impressive young guy!
    Congratulations on you 100th post. I just hit 300. I kind of wonder if I'll ever go back and read them? Will anyone??? ;) Happy Easter!

  22. Awesome and good luck at the show! Mine manage to resemble a clay statue on a regular basis. And it seems the smaller the body the more mud they can pack on as evidenced by my minis.

  23. Great post. Great blog. Great horse. Thanks for the video! I actually still use my old QH mare to bring my sheep up. You just can't beat a good working horse.


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