Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade Anyone???!!!???

Lemonade??? In the middle of winter??? Maybe we should be doing a Hot Chocolate Stand...well, we'll just dream some more about summer...Hey, I'll even put an umbrella in your drink!

There ya go...how's that taste?!?

Well, this cute lil' award has been going around, and I've received it today by two great bloggers...the pretty -Jen over at Tales From The Henhouse ......AND.......one of the best recipe bloggers I know Country Whispers (oh, you've got to try her simple to make buttery sour cream 'n chive potatoes...yummmmm)!! This award is their first blogger award and both of these gals are country from the heart...gotta love that!!!

Now, recipients of this award are bloggers who show Great Attitude and/or Great Gratitude in their blog. Thank you ladies for the honor~~

So, here's how this cute lil' Lemonade Stand award works...

1. You must add the logo to your blog or post. (yep, got that)

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show Great Attitude and/or Gratitude. (yep, see below)

3. Link to your nominees within your post. (yep, see below)

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. (yep, done!)

5. Share the love and link this post to the person from who you received your award. (yep!)

Here's who I pick to pass the Lemonade Stand on to~~~~~~~

1. Javas Barn

2. Jane Augestein-My World in Pictures

3. For the Love of a Horse

4. Ramblings of the Shy and Insecure

5. Mustang Dressage

6. Amanda's Veranda

7. Cheyenne

8. There's a Horse in My Bubblebath

9. Just Another Day on the Prairie

And last...but never least...

10. Cowgirl Up

Now, many may not like to play along, and that is fine...please don't feel obligated. And, if you've already received it...just consider yourself extra loved!!

Cheers!!! Enjoy your very own Lemonade Stand!!



  1. What fun! I had that award given to me by DVM's wife earlier this year.

  2. Thanks! I will post my lemonade stand when I get home tonight from the Running Store for new shoooz, the feed store for Beet pulp and Alf. Cubes. Heaven forbid she runs out of her cubes.Whew!

    Sorry you didn't win.. Hopefully next time!

  3. LOL! I'll stand in line for Hot Chocolate! With a marshmellow, please!

  4. Thank you so much for thinking about me and picking me. That is so sweet of you. I love your blog, your area is so much like mine!!

  5. Thanks! I’ll make a pitcher and pour a glass for some friends later today. :)

  6. Thank you kindly for the award! I LOVE fresh lemonade.....Yummmy! Although I do have to agree with the others, hot chocolate right now would be good! :-) Cold and snowy here in Ohio.


I love your comments! Let me know what's on your mind~~