Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Leggin' Up - A Springtime Ritual

Yesterday, I took my first ride up our hill since last fall. The grass is starting to shoot up, but only a couple of inches so far. The weather forecast shows 69 degrees today, some rain tomorrow, and back up into the upper 60's again after that! YES!! The grass should start shooting up nicely with that!!

Rastus needs legging up too!
You can see the green grass coming up! 

The Butter Cups are starting to bloom, and I heard my first Meadow Lark...while Bald Eagles and ravens flew overhead. It was a beautiful afternoon ride.

I've got Colt in the two-rein...getting him tuned up...hope to have
him straight up in the bridle in a couple of weeks. 

We were supposed to help trail a few hundred yearling heifers to summer pasture on Friday, but something happened and the day was cancelled...dang :~( I hope to get invited when they reschedule...Rastus, Colt and I need leggin' up!!

Hope your spring days are as good as mine~


  1. I was wondering the other day, and you brought it up: when you're riding with two rein, how do you hold the reins? Like a English double bridle, hack rein around the little fingers (snaffle rein in English), and the curb around the ring finger? Or?

  2. How exciting it is see all of the signs of Spring emerging! Enjoy!

  3. What a beautiful & expansive view you have from that hill! Where we live it's bush & water & boring flat land. Once a neighbour told me to go to the top of the ridge - I said "What ridge?" He said, "You're almost on top of it." I swear there wasn't even a bump in the darn road.

  4. It sure has been beautiful weather.
    Love your view. And the "chair" to see it from! :)

  5. Lucky you, to see the warmer weather! We are still in the 30's and 40's. Enjoy!

  6. Nice photo of your dog! He's adorable. Yes, we sure have had some great weather lately.

  7. I'm legged up from winter hiking and snow shoeing, now I have to leg up Miss Siera!


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