Spring is always a long time coming in Eastern Oregon. We're in a "high desert" area with an average of 9 inches of rain a year and our home is at 4150 feet. So needless to say, we've got a pretty short growing season.
We're low on our water year (as usual), so we haven't had a lot of precipitation lately, but the wind blows, and blows, and blows...yesterday it finally quit!! Amen!
Wind and cold dampens my spirit for riding. My Man and I are working on a plan to build an indoor round pen...but until then, I ride when I can suffer through the cold and try to take advantage of all the good day.
Yesterday was one of those good weather days! After lunch, it was 55 degrees, the sun was shining, and hardly a puff of wind. Colt and I hadn't been to the top of our hill since last fall and that sounded like the perfect thing to do today.

The sunrise to a perfect riding day.
With 3 dogs tagging along running in 3 different directions (they were pretty excited too to be going for a trail ride), Colt and I start the climb. Colt isn't in as good of shape as last fall...we had to take a few breathing stops, but it's so good for him.

I'm really pleased to see a lot of this!
Lil' clumps of green grass coming up everywhere!
It doesn't look like much now, but this grass will grow
2 feet high...we'll lease out the grazing to a neighbor
for his cow/calf pairs.

Making our way to the 4700 foot summit.
BLM land is on the left side of the fence where
we can ride for miles and miles.
The footing was a lil' slick in spots. Just a couple of days ago, there were still snow patches up here. But with the wind blowing the way it does, added with the warmer temps, it drys out real quick. These types of rides for Colt are really good for him because he needs work on his footing. He's just coming 4 this year, and he'll get better with time and experience, but one thing that I don't have to worry about with my mustangs is teaching them to travel.
Now, I admit that Colt is like a gangly teen that trips over his own feet and not all Quarter Horses are that way.
Toby was a pretty sure footed colt at that same age. But, what I'm saying is that my mustangs are just so natural at trail riding. It's in their blood to be comfortable with the out of doors, just as Colt loves cows and is more suited for what he was bred for. But, I want Colt to be able to take me anywhere I want to go...with the exception of the Grand Canyon...I'd never trust Colt to take me there!!!

Ahhhh...the top...what a view!!

Colt gets to enjoy a few mouthfuls of grass.
He was puffing pretty hard!
After enjoying the scenery for a while, we started across the ridge to the cow trail that goes down a nice grade. And as we cross the most rocky part of our property, I saw it...and IT made my good day totally excellent!!

The tiniest flash of color caught my eye...
On the barren, rocky ridge where the wind blows like
nobody's business in the winter...life.

And another one!!
Even some green life along with the yellow life!!
Could anything be prettier? Not this day~~Not for me!
Now, I really can't complain all that much about our winters here...compared toLinda at
Just Another Day on the Prairie or Shirley at
Ride a Good Horse. Now, they've got some pretty serious winter up there!! So, I'll just be thankful that God showed me a lil' bit of true spring.
We made our way back down the hill, and I worked Colt some in the arena. He even sweated!! I'm sure he's hoping to loose that winter coat ASAP!

Ahhhh the smell of a wet horse...

Everyone's happy at the end of a good day.
~~~Welcome Spring!!~~~
And all the beauty that comes with it.