Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Stills ~ In Honor of Ed

It's a potluck photo challenge today at Sunday Stills in honor of the photographin' truck driver...Ed at Thoughts From the Road. It was his birthday on the 18th!

Instructions are to use any of Ed's past challenges...well, I'm sure there were "birds" in there somewhere...so, knowing that these are one of Ed's favorites...may I present this year's brood of Great Horned owlets that live at the Rough String Ranch!

Great Horned Owlets 2/3
Momma owl looks on with pride.

Great Horned Owlets 1/3
Let's crop this off and get a lil' bit closer

Great Horned Owlets 3/3
I see three!! There could be more back in behind.

Sorry for the bit of a blur...that's all my camera can do with it's 20x!

Happy Birthday Ed!!

Check out the other Sunday Stills participants in the comments HERE.


  1. Those are wonderful - and clear enough to enjoy! What a treat to see them!

  2. what neat little creatures. great shots. (:

  3. GREAT pictures and I love, love, love their "bird house"!! :)

  4. Awwww, baby owls are just too cute, thanks and fantastic shot!! :-)

  5. What a treat to have them so close. Great photos, thanks for sharing them.

  6. WOW! Really neat! You did a good job photography them and you didn't even upset the Mom!


  7. You are so lucky to have your owl family closeby, and get to watch them every year. Obviously, you pass the owl good neighbor test!

  8. I just saw something on TV this morning about boxes that Owls will nest in for your yard...I'm all over that!...:)JP

  9. Oh, what fun! They are so cute and fuzzy!

  10. NICE!!! I like that you can see them so well in the rocks. Great captures.

  11. How amazing to be able to see and photograph these birds! You've done a fine job, please keep it up for the rest of us!

  12. What a great capture! You are so lucky to have such beautiful creatures on your land. :)

  13. I don't know if it's just me, but that rock looks like a face, and they're nesting in his mouth. Even has a beard thanks to all the bird poop. :)

    How lucky you are to have such neat neighbors!

  14. What a great sight sight to have in the neighborhood :-)

  15. i love this!! how cool you got those pictures!


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