Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Settling In

Red that is...he is settling in very nicely! I have to be careful where I step because he is always laying at my feet...even at the kitchen sink when I'm making dinner or doing dishes! He really is sweet.

He's learning how to play fetch (among other things)...he brings back the toy pretty well, but Cowboy wants to snag it before Red gets it to me!

We had a slightly frosty, foggy morning today and the sunrise was spectacular...it lit up half of the sky with orange clouds. I should have been out there with the camera, but I was tired of taking sunrise photos...but I'm kicking myself for not being out there for this one!

I've been on the computer way too much the past two days...sorting through photos...picking out shots for a calendar. My Man's mother loves the calendars with all of the ranch photos; she requests one every year for Christmas.

I don't have any sorting or organization for my photos except by date...I need to do something about that.  How do you organize your photos?


  1. I organize mine in folders by subject: I have my horse folder, sub-divided by horse, my general farm photos, pets, freinds, family, etc...
    If you use Google's free "Picassa" software, you can leave them organized by date, and "tag" them for particular events, people, horses, etc, then "ask" for all the photos under a specific tag...
    Lots of options.

  2. Red is looking like a happy dog.
    My photos are all by month, eventually I resort them according to subject. I need to put last year's photos on a flash drive- no time!

  3. I have MANY folders, and in each folder are subfolders.
    For example there's a folder called Horses, then each horse has his own subfolder.

  4. I have my folders by date and in each is folder by subject as well.

    Red is sure looking like he found a perfect home :)

  5. Happy Red, I think he's going to love living there!

    I sort photos by year, then month, then within that month I sort by subject (marked horses, homestead, kids, forestry work etc.) I make sure each year has its own flash drive and is marked as such. Since I take mostly outdoor shots and seasonal shots, this works for me when looking back for photos. In fact when the youngest said she wanted to get married here in June 2012, I could show her photos from the file marked 'homestead, from the months of june 2010 & june 2011 to see if it was pretty enough for her lol

  6. My folks have a red Aussie female that looks real similar to Red.

    I use picassa, because blogger made me LOL
    I have a lot of photos on my comp. I really need to do something else. Date things a lot more.
    I want an external drive or one of those huge USB storage (things LOL) I am blanking on what they are called LOL

  7. Red is a happy-looking little pooch!
    As for photos, I organize mine by date (makes it easier to back them up), but I usually add the subject/location/etc at the end of the date to make it easier to look up something.

  8. Gorgeous images of a beautiful dog! Is he a Border Collie? We had a black & white Border Collie. They are oh so clever and beautiful dogs :)

    I organise my photos by year with sub-folders in each year organised by month. Works well for me. I also back them up to my external hard drive each week just in case.

  9. Thanks everyone for the suggestions for organizing my photos...When I upload them from my camera to the computer it puts them in folders by years with sub folders by month then day...I'm exploring the option to tag each photo with a subject so when I choose that tag all my "dog" photos or "horse" photos would come up...not too successful so far, but I'm still working at it.

    Thanks Liz, Red is an Australian Shepherd. They come in red, black and tri colors.

  10. That last shot of Red reminds me so much of my first dog, Lark, now gone more than 10 years. The shape of the head and ears - he was a golden red, rather than this mahogany. I teared up just a bit...
    As for storage of photos, I have them sorted by year, and then vaguely by subject matter - artifact, plants, animals - then in more detail - garden, wildflowers, fields. Just think how you are most likely to search for them, and file them that way...

  11. Oh Red just looks like a really great dog! I hope Cindy Sue is still OK with the "newbie" I have wondered how Fred would be with a new dog. I really have no idea. I'm terrible with my pictures, they just download into a folder by date and if I'm looking for a particular photo, I first have to remember about when it was taken and search from there. Horrible. If you ever get a good system going, by all means share. I still breath a sigh a relief when they download...and I can see them.


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