Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Go 'Wordless'!


  1. Wow, pretty awesome! We don't get to see the owls very often!

  2. That is so awesome that you have this owl family to see and photograph.

  3. Now that is just the coolest!! Not many folks get to have this experience, an owl family in their yard. :)

  4. The baby owls are big now!
    Are they Cindy Sues competion for Rats? LOL LOL

  5. I have never seen so many owls in one spot. What a cool shot!

  6. They fledged, how awesome, your rodent population will be in trouble now! :)

  7. Wow, I've never even seen more than one owl at a time in the wild. Pretty impressive.

  8. Great photo! I sure wish I had one of those hanging around my back yard .. then maybe the rat would move on or become someone's dinner!

  9. Wow! The entire family is out!

    Great zoom shot! Cool!


  10. WOW! The babies are getting really big. You should'nt have a mouse problem there..:-)

  11. LOVE THE OWLIES!! We had 2 nests near here, one up the creek that had 4 babies, and one down the creek that had 3. Yet another nest a couple miles further down the creek that I didn't get to.
    - The Equestrian Vagabond


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