Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Death by Destruction

Lil' Miss Bella Jo is coming out of her shell. When we first got her, she was pretty laid back and slept a lot...but if I was half way through a pregnancy with 10 puppies, I'd probably be feelin' the same way!

Now that she's back to normal, her energy level is on the rise and puppy antics are also on the rise!

Such an innocent face~HA!
Bella has a thing for appendages...they all
must be removed. One by one, legs and arms
are chewed off of her favorite toys.
Then go the ears.

I just hope she keeps this fetish geared toward
the stuffies. My Man's gonna be very concerned
if he wakes up in the mornin' and I'm missing an arm!

Yesterday, I looked out the kitchen window and thought to myself that I needed to take down the scare crows and get the Christmas lights up on the fence rail.

An hour or so later, it was evident that I had a helper who could read minds and started un-decorating for me.

Hmmmmm...I wonder who could have done this?

"I haven't a clue mom" says Bella. "It sure coulda
been Cindy Sue though...Errr...well, I guess
not. She was in the house wiff you wasn't she.
OK...I did it...I'm sorry..."
*lick, lick, lick*
*pant, pant, pant*
*smile, smile, smile*

Good thing they only cost me about $5 bucks many, many years ago!

No matter...
It was still another good day at the Rough String.



  1. You know, scarecrows have always freaked me out...maybe she was freaked out, too? :)

    (Someone had to stick up for Bella...)

    Can't wait to see photos of your Christmas decorations!!

  2. Sometimes a young dog's gotta do what a young dog's gotta do! They say most of them grow out of the chewing stage ... maybe she's just a late bloomer? She does look so pleased with herself though.... ;o]

  3. Better not put a Santa out or he'll be shakin' like a bowl full of Bella!

  4. Mmmm, better the scarecrow than the garbage! My Jake learned how to get the cubboard open that the garbage is in and you can just imagine the mess!

  5. Mmmm, better the scarecrow than the garbage! My Jake learned how to get the cubboard open that the garbage is in and you can just imagine the mess!

  6. Excellent post Bella Jo looks more relaxed and I think she is quite happy that the Rough String is her home. What a mischevious little face.

  7. Maybe because Bella Joe never knew where she was going to end up...plus she was pregnant, she never really got to be a pup. Now she's just making up for lost time!

    She definitely seems perkier, all thanks to you!

  8. She does look very happy and I'm glad she's found a loving home. Sorry about your decorations. Even if they were cheap, you've had them a while so you must have liked them. Its a good thing dogs are so lovable! I have a really hard time getting mad at mine, even when they poo inside like this morning. They just give me that look, and I'm like, "ok, whatever...never mind...come here and give me some love!"

  9. Glad to see Bella Jo is settling in so well!!! :)

  10. You have absolutely no idea what that scarecrow did to her when you were not looking......of course, she had to put an end to that.....

  11. Dogs...ya gotta love 'em!

    And it's great that Bella is feeling at home enough and frisky now that her pups our weaned, to let her true personality come out. hehe!


  12. Ahh! Bella Jo..try and be a good girl for Mom...remember how the song goes.."....better be good..Santa Claus is comin' to town" and you don't want a piece of coal in your stockin'!

    Love the new Christmas header!

  13. Keep those appendages close to you! (smiles) Who knew you had a mind reader in the family... Now helping with the lights??? That may be a shocking story for the future. Love and Light, Nina P


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