Welcome to JKs Rough String Ranch

Welcome to the Rough String, and thanks for stoppin' by!! Grab a hot cup of coffee and sit a spell!
10/22/18 You will see a name change on the blog. Lots of things have changed in my life in the past few years, and I feel compelled to share my story.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

When Thoughts Come True

How many times have you ever thought of something that could happen...and then it does?

Feeding the herd this mornin', I tripped while pushing the wheelbarrow, fell forward and landed with my lower teeth on the rim of the metal wheelbarrow. Tripped over a damn rock...which I have done too many times to remember~and always thought "what if?"

One tooth is broke in half and a couple others are loose...split my lip of course, and I look like I was in a fight...and lost.

Off to the dentist...hope they can fix me up.

It can only get better from here today.
One of my favorite views...clouds and blue sky over the rim rock.

Rurality Blog Hop #11


  1. Dentists are great people....socially. Hope it goes OK.

  2. Holy Cow Gal...... Hope it all go's good and they get you fixed up.

    Those falls at our age are call "Random Gravity Checks"

  3. Thanks Sam Starr...this one I'm calling "mouth to mouth with a wheelbarrow." Beef soup's in the slow cooker, so I'm out the door headin' to town. I'm hoping they can put a crown on the one broken tooth. Thanks.

  4. I hope the dentist can get you all patched up!

  5. OMG ! Hope you're feeling better soon......take a few days off...at least slow down and heal.

  6. Oh my, what a start to the day. Things can only get better from here.

  7. Yikes! Hope you can get fixed up with no big fiasco!

    I have a cap on one of my front teeth I have had since the 3rd grade, swinging between two desks, someone thought it funny to move a desk, fell face first onto the cement floor!

  8. Oh how awful! That had to hurt -- hope the Doc can fix you up and give you some pain pills maybe? :)

  9. Oh no!! I hope the dentist can fix you up!
    I tripped over a rock feeding the goats one day but luckily only bruised myself up pretty good.

  10. Now thats gotta hurt! Yeah dentists, sort of miners in the mouth! Hate them, well not them but what they did to me over the years, when I was young.
    Sorry to hear your hurt, good look at the dentist.

  11. i hope it will go ok for ya. that stinks. i really dislike the dentist big time. i go next week for a cleaning. big yuckyness. ) :

  12. Oh man, I have those 'what if' thoughts every time i trip and fall out hiking alone in the woods. Now it's gonna be even worse. Maybe I should make my dog start watching old Lassie reruns.

    I hope the dentist can fix things for you and you are feeling better soon!

  13. Oh I am so sorry. I am sure the dentist can help for a price. Take care Darn rocks I tripped a couple of times on them and done damage they always seem to get in my way. B

  14. Ouch! Poor thing, I am sure that really hurt> Hope you get fixed up and feel better soon. Brave person for posting with a split lip and busted tooth. Great shot.

  15. Stinkin rocks. You've gotta start having better thoughts! Yikes...that must've really hurt. Hope the dentist does a good job on your teeth.

  16. Hey, I've had that thought before. I've had that action... sort of. My was caused by slipping in the mud. I missed the rim of the wheelbarrow... luckily. And oh, that manure facial was just lovely!
    I hope you aren't experiencing pain and that the Dentist could fix you up.

  17. Oh so sorry to hear that, it must hurt like the dickens! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  18. find yourself a little gymnast and ask them how to fall...seriously...for some reason they teach these kids how to get out of a bad tumble so they dont get hurt... ;)

    and I hope you are back to your smiling self soon!

  19. I'm just catching up. Sorry for the wreck. Dentists are amazing these days, expensive but they can fix a lot of things. All the best.

  20. Wow I'm sorry to hear that! Hope the dentist helps.

  21. Ouch!! Sure hope that got fixed up okay :(

    I try to not think of things like that, because they seem to end up happening!

  22. Hoped to have heard that you were ok......how are you doing? We're all thinking of you.....

  23. Hope all went well at the dentist!


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