This time of year is always so busy...I haven't had time to blog...let alone read many blogs!! So, you're gonna get about two weeks worth in one post!
But, spring has finally arrived here in the high desert...even though it's been pretty cold in the mornin's! Of course, this is typical of our's been known to snow in July! The apple tree is blossoming out, and the lilacs are starting to pop out too!
Apple blossoms |
We've started irrigating the alfalfa to stay ahead of the game. It was dry, so we started the wheel lines, then we had two days of rain and snow. But, we started them up again last evening.
Cold Mornin' Irrigation |
The freezing temperatures in the mornin's freezes the water on the alfalfa, but as long as the water continues to run, the alfalfa won't burn as the day warms up and the ice melts...strange, but it works.
Iced Alfalfa |
My three-day
Mike Bridges clinic was awesome...we even had warm weather which I think is a FIRST in the two and a half years I've been doing them!! Mike taught his techniques for ground training in a square pen. This develops collection, balance and re-balance, stops and turns. The horse also learns how to handle pressure because the energy level is high and everything is done at a trot or a canter.
This isn't a new technique, it's dated back to the 1600's according to Mike. I found
an article about Harold Farren on the site that states that Farren invented the square, I don't believe that statement is accurate, but you can get an idea of the use of the square pen. Harold Farren was an interesting horseman.
It really was amazing how Colt felt when I rode him right after he had been worked in the square pen...really amazing difference! Now I'm planning how My Man's gonna build my square pen!!
Training in the square pen |
In other Ol' Man Toby has gone on an adventure!! He left last Wednesday to help a lil' 4 year old girl learn how to ride!
Toby...25 years young! |
I read on FaceBook that a local family was looking for a dead broke horse for their daughter to ride...I thought about it, then forgot about it. The gal posted again what they were looking for, and just that day, while Toby was being trimmed I thought he should be doing something. So, I contacted her and we got together.
Toby took it all in stride, and we decided to give it a try. If he doesn't work out, he'll come back home...he's just out on loan. But, I think it's going to work. It was very sad to see him loaded into the trailer and drive out the driveway...I've had him since he was 6 months old...he's my oldest child!! You can read about
Toby's life and times on this post if you're interested.
But, I know that he's getting good care from very good people...and he's doing something that I think is very noble for an old horse...helping the young ones.
Reata leads Toby to the horse trailer. |
Yesterday was a simply gorgeous day...and a perfect day to help Rancher Dan take his second year heifers with their calves up to their summer pasture...the sun was shining and just a slight breeze.
Those aren't Colt's ears!!! Nope, this is the view between Rohan's ears. |
Rohan is my strawberry roan mustang that I adopted from the BLM when he was a yearling, and I believe he's eight this year. I did a lot of riding on him before I got Colt. Rohan's been standing around with Stetson and Catnip (the burros) for two years!! I decided that I was not doing him or myself any favors by not using him...he's a good, broke horse, and I should keep him going.
So, I saddled him up Friday evening, had him do a few laps in the round pen, and then stepped on...not a buck in him after two years of not being ridden. We rode for 20 minutes or so...decided to take him the next day to move the pairs.
It worked out perfect. We were in the saddle for 5 hours. His steering is rusty, but other than that he was awesome!
Waterin' Hole |
It took three hours to drive them up to the pasture, and only two hours for us to ride back to the ranch.
Get along lil' doggies |
Rohan got his first introduction to peacocks and turkeys at Rancher Dan's place...he thought the peacocks were bad...until he saw and heard the turkeys!!! OMG!!! Dan had to get between the approaching turkeys and Rohan so I could get Rohan through the gate...we'll have to have more "turkey" lessons I guess!
We loaded up the horses and headed for Hotel Diamond for burgers and beverages...great way to end a perfect day!
Today it's laundry, checkbook, garden and weed spraying...never a dull moment!