Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday Stills ~ Signs of Fall
The Sunday Stills challenge for today is "Signs of Fall."
In the high desert there aren't any maple trees with leaves turning the colors of the rainbow...we have more of a feel than a look when the seasons change.
It's been 90 degrees for the past couple of days...but we've got a lil' bit of a change coming...
Chance of snow Tuesday night and Wednesday?!?
Oh, I'm not ready for that yet!
And today we have a fire weather watch too!
This might be one of the last baskets of
fresh tomatoes from the garden...oh, what a sad time...
This winter's juniper firewood waits to be split.
It's sure going to feel good this winter
warming the house when the snow's blowin' sideways outside.
See how other Sunday Stills participants tackled the challenge by going to the comments here.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Finals at Pendleton w/ Barrels Round-Up Style
Whew!!! We've survived so far!
I say that because 4 days at Pendleton can take it's toll on a person. The trick is to pace yourself...and remember the word "moderation."
Really, we're not wild and crazy people, but we like to enjoy ourselves at Pendleton. We dance a lot in the evenings, and we also walk everywhere, so we're pretty beat by the time Saturday arrives.
We've shopped all we can shop, visited with numerous friends that we sometimes only see once a Pendleton...and in general, we enjoy a good time with no dogs or horses...just us!
Where we camp it's really nice and quiet...until 7 AM every morning. The live band starts up next door at Stillman Park for the Cowboy Breakfast. The first morning there's absolutely no way to sleep through that. But, by Saturday AM we're so tired, we actually slept until 8 AM...then it's time for coffee!
Each rodeo performance starts at 1:15 PM, so that gives us plenty of time to take showers, get breakfast, and window shop on our way to the rodeo grounds.
Saturday is obviously the best day for rodeo action. The top 12 contestants in each event come back for the championship. After each event is finished, the champion rides out on a horse with the saddle they just won and receive the rest of their awards in front of the South Grandstands. Then they take a victory lap around the track. It's really fun to see them carrying all their stuff and waiving to the crowd as they gallop around the track!
Well, let's head to the rodeo!!
I've mentioned that my camera just won't do a very good zoom from where we were sitting. I managed to get a couple during the bull riding. But mostly I took shots that were just interesting to me.
Ropers and steer wrestlers warming up their horses
on the infield while the wild horse race is being held.
The hard working pick-up men taking a
well deserved break before the next
event begins.
Clown and barrelman Keith Isley...he took over the
position when my favorite clown, Flint Rasmussen, quit
the PCRA for the PBR...I miss Flint :~(
What's this? Looks like a bunch of PVC made into
a fence...yep, and it's the fence they use for the bull
riding...crazy huh?!? It won't hold freezing
water in the winter, but it'll hold a bull!!
Well, it actually works...most
of the time! There were a couple of
breakouts...and boy can those cowboys laying in
the prone position "get 'n scoot in a hurry" when
a bull charges the fence!
Here's the fence crew putting in a replacement
section after a bull busted through and broke
the fence.
Speaking of the fence crew, see all the guys with the
maroon shirts? They're part of the fence crew. There
are probably 30 guys that volunteer to help with
the fence. Sections of the track fence go up and
down at different times throughout the rodeo.
And of course the bull fence has to go up and down
twice daily when they have two sections of bulls.
They have to commit to be there every day
of the rodeo. Many of the guys have been
on the fence crew for years...they love it!
My friend Debbie...look at that tiny camera...but
she can zoom right in with it...a totally cool camera!
Ha!! But then there's these two guys in front of us.
OK...I'll take one of those cameras please!
BTW, they were from Germany!
You know how the sport of rodeo has been...and still is...
being criticized by the PITA wackos. Well, this
handsome gelding fell on the track after the
rider had gotten off.
He just looked really weird...nothing
seemed to have caused him to fall. But, he layed
totally still.
Well, they came in with the tractor and the sled
and removed the horse. Cowboys held the horse down.
Then about an hour later, after the vet had examined
him and determined there was nothing
wrong, they turned him into the arena
to show everyone he truly was fine.
It was a good ending!
You know how the bull riding is usually done at the end because it's so popular and they want to keep the crowd in? Well, barrel racing is more popular!!
WhooooHooooo go cowgirls!!!
I've been going to the Round-Up ever since I met My Man...this is year 12 for me. They didn't have barrels back then. About 5-6 years ago, they brought it back, and I really think it's the most exciting event at the rodeo.
These are the finals gals waiting for the
barrels to get set up.
I can feel the tension and excitement.
There was only .65 hundredths of a second between the top and lowest rider coming into the finals. Charmayne James still holds the arena record.
Our friend Brenda Mays (who will be going to the NFR again this year) was in the middle of the we really wanted her to win. But, she knocked over barrel 2 and it put her out of the money.
So...our next favorite is Linzie Walker. Her and her cute lil' horse has won Pendleton for the past three years...Can she do it again?!?
Is that exciting or what?!? I would love to have a horse that could do it. I think the hardest part of the pattern is that second matter which barrel you start with the second barrel has the horse going straight toward a grandstands with lots of movement, color, and shading. I think the horse has a hard time finding the barrel after that long run across the infield. But, when they get it right, it sure is a pretty sight!
Congratulations Linzie Walker...4 time winner...2006-2009!
Well...that's it!! Thank you all for coming along with us on our vacation! I hope you enjoyed it. If you're going next year, I think we need to get a Blogger Meet 'n Greet going!
A couple parting shots...
My favorite truck sighting of the week.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Westward Ho! Parade~Pendleton Round-Up
The Westward Ho! Parade is a horseman's (or horsewoman's) dream parade. No motorized anything is allowed!
Marching bands, horse and mule drawn wagon, buggies, surreys, riders on horses and mules...anything and everything you could imagine. It is one of my favorite events at the Round-Up.
We walk down to the Travel Lodge where a whole lot of our friends stay which also happens to be where the parade begins.
A friendly game of Horse Sh*t Bingo is drawn in the middle of the street with chalk. You can buy a square for a buck and the square that gets the most "hits" wins the pot!
Our friend Tim brought his BBQ and we enjoyed Buerman Beer sausages (fresh from Harney County). And of course there were plenty of morning beverages being consumed.
Westward Ho!
The infamous mounted marching band.
Serious!! They're pretty dang good too!
Almost all of the Indians from the Village participate
in the Parade. If they aren't riding, they ride
in wagons or walk.
A bit of history...many, many years ago, as the
Indians came through the parade,
spectators would through pennies to the
Indian children. It was finally determined that
it was a demeaning sort of gesture and
spectators were banned from doing it.
OK...I've heard of these gals before and googled
for an hour but couldn't come up with who exactly
they are. Each gal chooses a decade to portray
in their costume and tack.
Another one of my fav's...the US Forest Service.
They have this pack string of
mules in the parade every year.
On to the Round-Up!!
Another beautiful day with a nice breeze to keep us cool.
If that doesn't bring a tear to your'll just have to be there in person next year to experience it yourself.
I couldn't believe when the announcer said that the National Anthem was sung by an 11 year old. Lil' Allison O'Neil is amazing!
The last clip of the Court coming around the track showed the Queen and her horse down. The horse slipped and hit the ground. She got right back up and finished her trip around the track! Way to go cowgirl!! more post to go with action from the finals...including barrel racing~~ Pendleton Round-Up style!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tough Enough to Wear Pink at Pendleton?!?
Tough Enough to Wear Pink began 5 years ago and is a favorite Roundup tradition on Thursdays. Thousands of dollars are raised each year for breast cancer research and awareness at this rodeo and others across the country. Wrangler brand heads up the sponsors...check out the web site!
My Man does look good in pink doesn't he?
We opted to take a carriage ride to the rodeo grounds instead of walking. It was a blast! I've had wagon rides before, but not a carriage ride. It was so smooth...when I get too old to get on a horse, this'll be the way to go!
The driver/owner is a really neat lady, and she had
numerous horses that she switched out. The horses
were very well taken care of and nothing bothered them.

This photo is courtesy of my pal Debbie.
She and her husband Steve have been coming
to the Roundup with us for the past 7 years.
OK...notice my beautiful scarf?!?
If you didn't read my post about how this
scarf came into my possession, you need to read here.
While I was browsing through an antique shop, the owner commented on the scarf. She asked me if I knew what I was wearing...well yes...a wonderful treasure. She said that they made them between the late 1900's into the 1930's. They came in all colors and lots of different graphics and text was used. She also warned me to be careful that no body tried to take it off of try to steal it! And, here I was only worried about getting it dirty!
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed wearing it for the day and another big thank you goes out to AKPonyGirl. Hugs girl friend! OH...pssst...keep an eye on your mailbox AKPonyGirl ;~)
Ahhh...but times are a changin' at the Roundup.
This beautiful new front gate is part of the
makeover they are doing as part of the
100th anniversary which is next year.
I can't say I like all the uppity change. It'll be very pretty when it's all done...I just hope the feel of "Rodeo" isn't lost in the steel, brick and bronze. The west end will be covered and have new grandstands too...that will be the end of the "sun bowl" which it's been called for decades...sigh...
OK...on to the rodeo!! But, we first have to stop for just one at the Let 'er Buck Room!
No photos from inside...they take your cameras. Which is
really stupid because they don't take away any
cell phones...there were people taking photos everywhere
inside the Buck Room. LOL
The grand favorite part of any rodeo!
And the "Court" racing around the track always
brings tears to my eyes...along with many others.

Photo courtesy of my pal Debbie again.
My camera just won't zoom in from across the field.
Look at all those pretty pink shirts!!
Watching the pickup men do their job is just
as exciting as watching the cowboys ride.
We had box seats on Thursday and had to cover
our beverages more than once as the horses
raced by in front of us!
A special presentation is always made on Thursday
featuring breast cancer survivors.
It's always very inspirational.
Happy Canyon is another important part of the Roundup..."Since 1916 the Happy Canyon Night Show has thrilled audiences and become the world’s most unique Indian Pageant. Every year over 500 volunteers come together to portray the culture and traditions of local tribes, the coming of Lewis and Clark and the Oregon Trail pioneers, concluding with the fast action of a frontier town."
The Indian village, the pageant, and the presentation during the rodeo are all amazing to see. Click on the link above to read about the's really very interesting. The night show is a huge production with horses, wagons, guns, beautiful costumes...and a lot of fun!
A beautiful Happy Canyon Princess.
And an aspiring princess.
Their traditional costumes are truly amazing.
Fathers teaching their sons.
The Indian Relay Race is a really fun part of the rodeo. They have three races each day and a final race on Saturday to determine the winning team. Here are a few clips of the races... saw right...that was a loose horse in the last clip...a lot of crazy stuff happens during those races! forward to Saturday...and the winning team is
the Colville tribe from Omak, WA!!
Prizes, besides the purse money, include beautiful
blankets, bags and jackets.
Ahhhh...we survived Wednesday night (at the Happy Canyon casino) and Thursday...only two more days of this stuff!

A lil' R & R back at camp. L-R Steve, me and My Man.
We have a wonderful back yard that we stay at...right
next to the Cowboy Breakfast.
All the pancakes, eggs, and ham you can eat...yum!
More Pendleton Roundup in my next post.
~~PS...the Pendleton wild rag is safely hanging with my other wild rags~~
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