The wind was blowing like a son-of-a-gun and I decided not to ride. I went out with the intentions of riding a couple at least, and the dirt was caking up in my eyes so bad after cleaning the stalls and runs that I decided it was foolish to try to get anything productive done riding wise.
I took some pictures, but they just don't do justice to the wind we get here sometimes in Harney County.
This is the wind blowing my arena soil off to the neighbors or BLM land...
My apple tree was loosing apples from the wind and I picked them up for the horses...some of them had been munched on by the birds already...but, my horses aren't picky...they won't mind!
I tried to capture the wind in my wind chimes. The only thing I seemed to capture today was the beautiful sound that I heard, not the movement I wanted in the photo.
One of my scare crows seems to be waving his arm as the wind blows him around. Abby just wants to have her picture taken ;~)
Toby has taken shelter in the rock out-cropping in his pasture...can I blame him??? I think he's one smart pony!!
Since I opted not to ride, I had some bananas that needed taken care of. My man loves anything home-baked...banana bread was in order.
It's Halloween isn't about some haunting Great Horned Owls? I've tried to photograph my owls many times without a lot of success. This time they just happened to be setting on some of the lower limbs of the elm tree and I used my zoom...and a flash...can you see their red eyes? There are two owls in the tree...this time I don't mind the red eye. They look kinda spooky!
Trick or treaters tonight???...will we see any at our place????...not a chance!!! LOL
One of our neighbors did have a get together with a hay ride and things for the kids. But we are VERY rural...I'll need to make a post in the near future on Harney County's demographics. It's very different that's for sure!
I realized too today that I'd never lit my Jack-O-Lantern that I carved last weekend. Well, by now he's been frozen a few times and thawed out just as many can hardly see his teeth anymore!!! But, I'm really enjoying looking at him out the dining room window as I type this.
I wish you all a very Happy Halloween!!!