Sunday was just about as fun as it can get for us...branding in beautiful fall weather. Well, as usual, my hands were busy with a rope and a wad full of two-rein gear on Colt! But I got My Man to take a few photos of Pierce and Colt after the branding.
The Bros!
After the branding, I took the boys to the creek for a drink, and then lead Pierce back across the wood bridge...he did so nice. Colt pawed water right into Pierce's face at the creek (that's why he looks so splotchy)! |
It's time to take Pierce to every outing we can. I saddled him at home with the other boys and when we got to Diamond, I tied him to the trailer, gave him a hay net and rode away.
Occasionally I'd hear Pierce whinny, but all in all, he was a very good boy!!
We had to sort off the slick eared cow/calf pairs, the bulls, and the neighbor's stock that was mixed in with Rancher Dan's herd...I love the sorting! Once we had all the slicks together, there ended up being about 30 calves!! And oh my...some of them were big enough to go through the squeeze chute!
We had the son-in-law there who's a professional buckaroo...we let him and his buddy do most of the really big calves. But, we learned a lot about handling those big ones and got in on a was a really good experience.
Ah yes...the birthday boy :~)
Happy Birthday dear husband!! |
Gretchen had to work at the for lunch, we all headed over to the Hotel for beverages and the best burgers!!
Branding goes hand in hand with good food!! |
This is why we always say that "We're livin' the dream!" Friends and life experiences just don't get any better than this.